Yulin Festival

Dogs Are Friends Not Food


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Ways to Get Involved

Stop Yulin Dog Festival


Stop Yulin Animal Cruelty


Stop Yulin Today


Stop Yulin Festival


Our Mission

At the yulin festival, throughout those days, these animals will be hung, burned, skinned, boiled, torched, dismembered, electrocuted and beaten…ALIVE..out in the streets for public view

At the Yulin festival in China this year, thousands of dogs and cats will be cruelly killed and used for food. The thought of killing, cooking, and eating dogs and cats is unimaginable to most of us because they’re our family members and our best friends https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/payday-loans-uk-get-up-to-3-000-now-with-no-credit-check-online-news-296609


More than

Dogs Killed Every Year

More than

Kg Meat Consumed

More than

People Taking Action

We Are Family

We need your help. Thousands of dogs are tortured, abused, boiled alive and eaten in the horrific dog meat trade that’s prevalent in many countries around the world. Our eyes are open to the tragedies happening annually and we vow to do everything we can to put a stop to it.

Our hope is that with this social awareness campaign, we can open people’s eyes across the world to the realities of these heinous practices. Join our fight by following the instructions below. Together we can make a difference.

Stop Yulin Festival

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